Monthly Archives: September 2012

609, 2012

Finishing What You Start

By |September 6th, 2012|0 Comments

Many initiatives fail because the leader does not get behind the projects enough. Many leaders have an attention deficit disorder that rivals any teenager’s concentration span. An additional problem is that some projects are started and with proper counsel, would never have left the drawing-board.
Some ways you can make a difference in this area include:

Monitor […]

609, 2012

Define the Mission, Vision and Values

By |September 6th, 2012|0 Comments

Leaders need to define, establish and communicate to all layers of staff the organization’s mission, values, vision, and strategy. As Jack Welch says “Everybody then has the same set of facts”.

The mission is like a timeless beacon pointing to something that may never be reached—for example, Walt Disney’s mission is “to make people happy” and […]